Wife of Kwadwo Boakye barred from her husband’s one-week celebration

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The wife of the late leader and founder of the Ressurection Power New Generation Church Reverend Anthony Kwadwo Boakye, Mrs Margaret Kwadwo Boakye has been barred from performing the widowhood rites at her husband’s funeral.

According to the leaders of the church, the decision was made by the Ankobiahene of Otumfuo, Baffour Kusi. Per the information available, the wife of the late preacher refused to attend an invitation at the palace to discuss the funeral of the late leader of the church.

“When we went to Otumfuo’s Ankobiahene Baffour, something came up that we need to explain to avoid any misrepresentation. What happened was that Maame Yaa Asantewaa was called but she refused to honour the invitation and the Ankobiahene based on that and the fact that the family has not officially invited her to a funeral ruled that she cannot perform the widowhood rites. So on that note, Maame Yaa Asantewaa is not invited to the one-week celebration, “ the church leaders announced as quoted by Ghanaweb.

Going further into the decision, the church leaders clarified that they have no influence over the decision. “This decision is not from us, the church or the family. We all met there as the family, church and children and we are aware she was also invited but failed to come without giving any reason to the chief. So the chief based on that to rule on the subject,” the clarified.

In line with that, the leadership announced that the one-week celebration will come off at the end of March as per the agreement with all parties involved. “The family, the church leadership and the children have met at Otumfuo’s Ankobiahene’s palace and we have all agreed that our father’s one-week celebration will be held on March 31, 2023”.

Prior to the demise of the pastor, there had seemed to be a fallout between him and his wife together with the wife’s brother and their children. He was reported to have rained curses on the wife, his children and the brother of the wife.

As per earlier reports, the late pastor had said his brother-in-law insulted him on three occasions and the wife, Yaa Asantewa (Mrs Boakye) also tried to disgrace him.

“He has insulted me on three occasions, to which I did not respond. This sickness that has inflicted me, I reverse it to you and your children for the rest of your life. Akwasi, you should take my sickness for the rest of your life. Yaa Asantewaa, take my sickness, you and your children. Have it for the rest of your life. You are seeking to disgrace me,” he told the church members in a virtual address as quoted by the Ghanaguardian.

Per the reports, the issues surrounding the late pastor and his wife are due to the power struggle between the wife and the church leaders. Since the pastor took ill and stayed away from active ministry, the wife has been reported to have been trying to twist things in her direction financially. That had angered the late pastor leading to him cursing her.

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