Man kills his 7-year-old niece for money rituals

Estimated read time 2 min read

A man identified only as Augustine, a 37-year-old farmer in the Wassa Nkyirifi community in the Western Region, killed his young niece for money rituals in an attempt to evade poverty. Augustine, who later confessed to the crime after police subjected him to thorough investigations, said he was advised by an elderly person to go for money rituals.

According to reports, the man sought the counsel of an elderly member of the community to help him get out of poverty. The unidentified elderly man urged him to use one of his nieces for money rituals. Augustine then thought about the idea and went to consult a spiritualist for help but then the spiritualist asked him to bring a human head.

Sandy Manu, the 7-year-old niece was then killed by Augustine to be used for the rituals. However, after burying the deceased in a nearby bush having cut off her head, Augustine went to the police to report his missing niece. He further made an announcement on the radio seeking assistance to find his niece.

The police after observing his body language and response to their questions decided to thoroughly interrogate him. He broke down in tears during the questioning and confessed to killing his niece for money rituals. Following the confession, he led the police to the nearby bush where he buried the headless body of Sandy Manu. The head of the girl was located at a different place and her remains have since been deposited at the morgue while Augustine has been kept in police custody.

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