Alan Kyeremanten resignation: Sammy Gyamfi has this to say

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Sammy Gyamfi, like many other Ghanaians, reacted to the resignation of a founding and leading member of the NPP Alan Kyeremanten from the party. Alan who was in the race to replace Akufo-Addo as the candidate of the party for the 2024 elections stepped down from the race in the first week of September.

Barely three weeks later, he announced his resignation from the party and his decision to contest the upcoming presidential elections as an independent candidate. Alan Kyeremanten accused the party of deviating from its core principles and alleged that a few power brokers have hijacked the party.

Reacting to the decision by Alan Kyeremanten, the National Communication Officer of the NDC, Sammy Gyamfi empathized with him but plainly said the decision came too late to be considered as one of goodwill. According to Sammy Gyamfi, Alan Kyeremanten only resigned because he had been mistreated by the party but not because he wanted to be a unifying force in the deeply divided political landscape in the country.

Sammy Gyamfi’s response to the resignation of Alan Kyeremanten.

1. It is an indisputable fact, that Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen has not been treated fairly by his party, the NPP.

2. The NPP under the leadership of President Akufo-Addo has never been truly democratic.

There is no way Alan could have gotten a modicum of fairness or justice in the ongoing presidential primaries of the NPP under the leadership of the despotic tyrant, Akufo-Addo who is hell-bent on installing his puppet as his successor and continues to oppress persons who disagree with him. Former NPP National Chairman, Paul Afoko and former General Secretary, Kwabena Agyepong come to mind readily.

3. I understand Alan’s pain and empathize with him. He and his supporters have continuously been victims of intimidation, unprovoked harassment and violence. His resignation from the NPP is therefore understandable.

4. The basis of his resignation from the NPP is the more reason why no democratic or peace-loving Ghanaian must join or vote for the NPP.

5. However, the point has to be made forcefully, that Alan is not a viable alternative to the failed incumbent NPP government.

As a Cabinet Minister responsible for Trade and Industry and a member of the Economic Management team from 2017-2023, Alan Kwadwo Kyeremanteng actively participated in the destruction of the economy into the mess it is today.

Under his watch, the Komenda Sugar Factory was abandoned to rot for almost six (6) years. Growth of the manufacturing sector declined significantly and businesses were suffocated by the bad policies of his Ministry and government leading to several job losses.

5. Would Alan have resigned from the NPP if he had been treated fairly by the NPP in their ongoing Presidential primaries?

Clearly, it is the pain of rejection by the super delegates of the NPP and the intimidation and harassment of his supporters which is fueling Alan’s latest decision and not any superior passion to help heal the partisan divisions in the country. But it is too late for Alan to jump ship now.



National Communications Officer, NDC

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