Lazy person comment – FIPAG apologizes for Yaw Dabo

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Following the comment by Ghanaian actor Yaw Dabo that a person who spends an hour to watch a movie is a lazy person, the Film Producers Association of Ghana has apologized.

According to Yaw Dabo, “Where the world is going now, everything is about money. So anyone who will sit for an hour to watch a movie is a lazy person”.

That comment generated a lot of reaction from Ghanaians with many saying his comment would affect the already ailing Ghanaian movie industry. This is due to the perception that the comment is aimed at discouraging people from spending time for unproductive ventures which watching of movies could be part.

Now, FIPAG, the mother body of all film producers have apologized for the unfortunate comment while urging the public to forgive the actor. It said the group is apologizing on behalf of Yaw Dabo, actors, producers and the entire industry stakeholders for the comment.

“The film fraternity finds his statement very unsavoury, offensive and insult. Such behaviour or attitude is an affront to the film industry and should not be entertained and supported by any well-mannered person. Again, we are of the believe that our brother when given another chance to respond to whatever question that was posed to him would not repeat what he said. Any public resentment that this statement might have caused is deeply regretted,” the statement said.

“We pray that Ghanaians would find a space in their hearts to forgive him and continue to support the Film Industry,” the statement concluded.

FIPAG apology for Yaw Dabo's lazy person comment

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