Lordina told John Mahama to deny me a job – Stephen Atubiga

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Former NDC communication member and the leader of the National Liberation Congress Stephen Atubiga has shared a story of how his life has been shaped. In the story posted on Facebook, the outspoken politician revealed that Lordina Mahama once asked the former President to deny him a job.

He said this happened despite his going to prison for Mahama[Stephen Atubiga was jailed in 2013 by the Supreme Court for contempt]. The former Binduri NDC parliamentary aspirant added that Lordina’s decision was because he was breaking up with his ex-wife who was a relative of the Mahama family.

According to Mr Atubiga, he was denied a job several times by President Mahama. He added that when the former President and the NDC used and dumped him, he could have died of desperation and frustration.

Read the full post by Stephen Atubiga

It’s 2:55 am now. I have been up since 12: 45am because I slept early yesterday. Just laying down thinking how far I have come.

How I used to be a shoe shine boy in Kumasi? how I managed to buy that shoeshine box?

How i hide and used salver to polish shoes for people, till I was able to buy Vaseline then opened up old batteries and mixed the black powder from the old batteries to get black Polish. From there I was able to buy a shoe shine box.

How I use to weed for people for money.

How I used to sell ice water in Kumasi market. You give water to market women in exchange for tomatoes, plantain, koobe or anything in exchange for drinking water, at the end of the day I will have to sell all in bulk to someone at the station in exchange for money.

There was nothing like a sachet of water those days. The water was in a big basin with a lid, with cups on top of the lid for serving people.

How I use to sell ice cream( Abelly) in Kumasi market.

How I use to sell kenkey in front of a city hotel in Kumasi. In the 80s

How I use to go to people’s farms to get(steal) foodstuff and cook the food on the same farm to eat due to hunger.

I remember how I will help food vendors prepare food just to get something to eat, especially after school.

How I use to cut my red clothes into pieces to sell to the Kotoko fans in Kumasi when they are playing with another country in Kumasi stadium. They put red on their cars to show support for Kotoko. How I made money to buy new ones.

How I use to go to city hotels to get older or used cans to go sell for money

How we used to help clean city hotel after a show just to get food to eat as payment.

I will never forget how I had to carry the bucket of the toilet to go dumped away.

All this from 1981 to 1986 I went through hell.

I remember I will have to wake up between 11 and 12 am to do my house- choice and by 1 am or 2 am I will be done then take a bath and go back to sleep, so when I wake up at 6 am no more bathing for school.

How I use to hide and sneak in windows to watch TV standing behind the house in the bush.

As for beating and being abused as a child at the hands of those I ever stayed with. Was every day. Sometimes I will be beating till my body goes numb. No more pain.just because of a small mistake. Either I did not do some right or the way they want it done.

My food sometimes was mixed with water for me to eat.

I remember one day I was so hungry I will take a bite of salt, then put pain oil in my mouth, then add kokontey and swallow. Because there was no soup for me to eat with it after school.

From 8 years of age till I was 14 years that I went through this process. A lot of trauma I can’t put all up now.

When I got Christmas clothes, put them to church and back, and I get the chance to see them or put them on again the following year on Christmas day.

But in all, I thank God for that treatment. It made me very strong. I got a very good robust foundation to take any tabulation in my life.

God is good. God is the giver. That is why I always help the needy if I can.

That is why I always share my little bread with others.

Note ____________________________

Be humble and be kind to anyone that comes your way. Loyalty and dedication to others should be your number one pride. Your rewards come from God, not man.

That is why I did not mind When JDM / NDC used me and Dumped me into the dumpster hungry after victory. Loyalty.

That is why I never got worried or angry against JDM/NDC for sharing everything, left me hungry after victory, even after going to prison for him to be president.

Someone should ask JDM about the sacrifice that went on for his victory in 2012.

A topic in itself.

I was still loyal and dedicated to him till God gave me a new direction after 29 years as a good-standing member of the NDC.

I remember when I came out of prison and went to JDM for a job,

How First Lady Lordina told me right in my face. They will never give me a job .why should she and JDM give me a job? , so I will have money to take care of another woman. Because I was going through a separation from my ex. Who happens to be JDM relative?

My only reply to her that faithful morning was, I came to your husband JDM for help as the leader of my party that we worked for him to be elected, I did not come to him JDM as my Inlaw.

Then JDM heard the noise came and held my hands and walked with me and we spoke like men or brothers

.lordinor made sure I got nothing from JDM .like this woman never visited my home Stay for weeks before in my house on many occasions .with her children.

Then another time I went to the JDM office for help. Then one of his relatives stood behind my back giving JDM a signal not to help me after JDM agreed to support me. I never got help from him till he lost power. In all I never stopped being loyal to him the Good news is, I had to beg for that same person to keep his job. A topic for another day God is Good.

A lot in my books when published.

If not for the foundation God gave me growing up on how to be strong.

I could have died from high blood pressure, stress, and frustration, due to the betrayal I have suffered from JDM / NDC.

But in all, never hold grudges against others, those who betray you. Forgiveness is the foundation of your breakthrough.

Only learn to move out of your comfort zone for growth.

Love you all

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