Jubilee House: Police investigate Prof Frimpong Boateng

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Police have begun investigations into issues raised by a former Minister of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovations, Professor Frimpong Boateng. The former minister said top government officials including those at the Jubilee House are involved in galamsey.

Professor Frimpong Boateng in an interview with the GBC said the missing excavators’ story was a fabrication by his own party people against him. He said the move was to see him out of office.

Aside from that, the former minister alleged that top government officials are involved in illegal mining, insisting that people at the seat of government are engaged in galamsey.

“There was an orchestration within the party and the government to get me out, and when I left, galamsey activities increased. Now things are coming up and we know those who are doing galamsey, even within the party and even people at the Jubilee House,” he told the state broadcaster.

According to Prof Frimpong Boateng, the military who were deployed to arrest illegal miners started the story of missing excavators. He said the Operation Vanguard team was supposed to arrest the excavators but they rather aided the owners to move them away.

“The true story is that at the start of Operation Vanguard, the soldiers were supposed to arrest the excavators. But they went into the forest, removed the control boards of the excavators and came back to report. But when they went away, the owners went with different control boards and moved the excavators away,” Prof Frimpong Boateng.

A GBC report claims a highly placed source within the police has said the police have commenced investigations into the allegations. The source said the police have extended an invitation to Prof Frimpong Boateng to avail himself and assist in investigations.

However, the GBC said when it contacted the former minister he denied receiving a letter from the Police. He, however, assured that he will fully cooperate with the police to uncover the truth in the matter.

Meanwhile, calls for swift investigations into the allegations have been rife. First, the Member of Parliament for Builsa South, Clement Apaak demanded an investigation.

“Ghanaians expect the requisite state agencies/institutions (OSP, BNI, CID) to show loyalty to Ghana by initiating investigations into the allegations made by Prof. Frimpong-Boateng. Given his stature and previous position in this NPP government, these allegations cannot and must not be ignored,” Clement Apaak.

Adding to the call by the Builsa MP is the Member of Parliament for Wa Central, Dr Rashid Pelpuo, who said the allegations were serious and should be handled with all the seriousness needed.

“We have reports of key government officials being key galamsey operators involved in destroying lands in forest reserves. We wish to call on the government to investigate the allegations made by the former Minister of Environment. It is also our expectation that the government must desist from joining illegal immigrants engaged in galamsey because today most of the lands destroyed have not been restored,” Rashid Pelpuo.

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