Paediatric Society condemns Gborbu Wulomo’s alleged marriage to 12-year-old

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The Paediatric Society of Ghana has strongly reacted to the alleged marriage by the Gborbu Wulomo, Nuumo Borketey Laweh XXXIII to a 12-year-old. Reacting to the story of the alleged uneven affair, the Paediatric Society said it is displeased with the situation.

A statement by the society said, “The Paediatric Society of Ghana (PSG) has observed with great distress the discourse on various media platforms on a report of a Child Marriage in Accra.”

According to the society, it “strongly condemns any act or perception or facilitation of Child Marriage. On the right to
refuse betrothal and marriage, The Children’s Act, 1998 states: No person shall force a child (age less than 18 years) to be betrothed, to be the subject of a dowry transaction or to be married.”

Expressing its displeasure, the PSG said, “The perceived acceptance of child marriages and the open brazen approval or defence of the practice by influential leaders of the community have the potential to embolden certain deviant behaviours like paedophilia. Child marriages are dangerous.

Despite the earlier clarification by the Gborbu Wulomo that the 12-year-old girl is not expected to perform any marital duties, the Paediatric Society said it still is a potent ground to endanger the child’s life. It said, “Both real and so-called arranged informal unions where the child is supposedly a symbolic wife and not expected to perform any marital duties including conjugal duties are dangerous.

Adding that, “The preventable damage to the child’s development, reproductive and mental health and education can be irreversible and generational”.

Also, the society expressed its readiness to support efforts to promote the interests of children in the country. It then called for a collaborative effort between the government and other stakeholders to protect children’s interests.

“We will support the efforts of government and all partners to protect the best interest of every child everywhere in Ghana. This calls for strong national commitment at the highest level of the political, traditional, health, educational, judicial and media landscape, with unwavering support from our international partners like UNICEF and WHO.”

Meanwhile, the Ghana Police Service has revealed that the girl and her mother are under police protection. A short notice published on its X handle said “A 12-year-old girl allegedly married to Gborbu Wulomo and her mother under police protection”.

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