National Cathedral must be completed – Egyapa Mercer

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The Minister-designate for the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture, Andrew Egyapa Mercer has called for urgent attention to be given to the National Cathedral project to ensure its completion. He said this during his appearance before the Vetting Committee in Parliament.

“I do not know the details of the financing positions of today. But it’s obvious, I believe to all of us that the private contributions that were expected were not as forthcoming. I recall that in the 2023 budget, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta requested some public funds to enable us to move the project to its conclusion, which was resisted by the House.

“But I will entreat [Parliament] to support the project because obviously some funding has gone in there. We cannot allow it to sit the way it’s sitting. And so, if I’m given the nod, I believe that if I have an opportunity to make a presentation to you [parliament]. I will urge the support of all, especially our colleagues on the minority side to support the completion of the project,” Egyapa Mercer.

According to Sekondi MP, the project would “be a huge income generation for our country and will help in attracting visitors. If I have to present a budget for parliament for consideration, yes.”

He added that the “National Cathedral was well intended” by President Akufo-Addo. Adding, “His Excellency the President took a position that it was something that needed to be done between the state and private faith-based organizations. And so, the state needed certain contributions. And the expectation was that the faith-based organizations were also going to make contributions to ensure that the facility was completed.”

Meanwhile, former Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta on July 29, 2021, announced that the National Cathedral would be commissioned on March 6, 2024. He announced this during the 2021 mid-year budget review in Parliament. No progress has been made on the project aside from the huge pit left after the land was excavated for construction work to begin.

Ahead of the scheduled date, Ghanaians have been trolling the government by sharing pictures of the pit left behind as the foundation of the structure.

“Mr. Speaker, work on the National Cathedral is progressing speedily, and following the program of the contractors, and with God helping us, the National Cathedral is expected to be officially commissioned on March 6, 2024. Upon completion, the National Cathedral would provide a sacred space for formal religious activities of State and symbolize the enormous contribution of faith to Nation Building,” Ken Ofori-Atta as reported by Citinews.

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