Faila cook-a-thon: how will Guinness World Records verify?

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Chef Abdul-Razak Faila is doing wonders and making the gruelling cook-a-thon look like a child’s play. She has done over 150 hours but still looks very strong. With a revised target time, she is hoping to hit 240 hours of cooking; 10 days straight.

Earlier, we presented 7 rules she must meet to have a chance of beating the current record by Alan Fisher. We followed that up with an article explaining why she needed to do at least 150 hours of cooking. Our report was based on the findings that Uganda chef Mama D did 144 hours of cooking and awaiting verification from the Guinness World Records team.

Now, we bring you some more rules by which Faila will be judged by the Guinness World Records team. Some of these rules have already been met but others can only met following a successful completion of the attempt.

1. Submit cooking methods to GWR pre-event

Prior to starting the cooking attempt, the challenger must submit the cooking methods to be used in the attempt to the GWR team for pre-approval. This means all the methods she wants to use to cook must be submitted in advance to the GWR.

2. Submit plans for food distribution pre-event

Just like the cooking methods, the plans for food distribution must be submitted to the GWR team in advance. In our earlier article about the 7 rules, we noted that she must distribute the food to charity if the public present at the venue is unable to consume all of it. We have seen her team distributing food to the needy in the Tamale Metropolis.

Team Faila sharing food to the needy in Tamale
Team Faila sharing food to the needy in Tamale. Source: Facebook/Jah Bless Faila

3. Suitable environment

According to the rules of the Guinness World Record, the attempt must be held in a suitable environment with suitable equipment in close proximity. That means all the equipment or kitchen aids needed for the attempt must be able to fit in the cooking space or be in close proximity.

4. The first food item starts the event. Per this rule, the attempt starts when the first food item is prepped or has started cooking. So while some may think the attempt starts as soon as she moves into the kitchen or after her first meal is ready, it starts when she makes the first food item for cooking or has started cooking a particular food item.

What Faila cannot use

5. No Industrial scale/restaurant grills. This means all measurements must be done with normal kitchen scales and the grills used must be kitchen standard.

6. Must cook at least two items at any point in time. This rule means that at any point time during the attempt, the challenger must be cooking at least two food items. If she is preparing say rice balls, she must be cooking the rice while preparing the soup simultaneously. Whatever the case, two or more food items must be cooked simultaneously. They could constitute one food type or different ones.

7. Preparing the next dish

Start preparing the next dish once one is already cooking. Just similar to rule number 6 above, this rule goes further to enforce cooking at least two food items at a time. Per this rule, once the food has been kept in the relevant appliance such as stove, grill, oven, etc for cooking, preparation for the next dish to be cooked must start.

Some nice looking food prepared by Faila during the record attempt.
Some nice-looking food prepared by Faila during the record attempt. Source: Facebook/Jah Bless Faila

8. Submit details of each food cooked

According to this rule, the name, number and weight of each food cooked must be recorded and submitted with evidence. This will be used together with the details submitted prior to the attempt for verification. Note, GWR has its standards and these must synch with that during verification.

9. Food hygiene.

GWR requires that the food must be kept in a hygienic condition throughout the record attempt. Also, the rules require the challenger to demonstrate that the food has been prepared according to local food hygiene standards.

10. Food hygiene certificates.

If the challenge takes place in a commercial kitchen, the challenger is required to provide the necessary food hygiene certificates for that kitchen. This is to ensure that the food follows the required food safety standards.

Food prepared by Faila as part of the attempt.
Food prepared by Faila as part of the attempt. Source: Facebook/Jah Bless Faila

11. One or multiple appliance use

Also, GWR permits the challenger can use one or more appliances at a time. One or more ovens, stoves, microwaves and other cooking appliances required for the attempt can be used at a time.

12. Food can be marinated in advance. No reheating allowed. Per the rules, food items that require to be marinated can be marinated in advance. However, food cannot be reheated after it has gone cold.

13. Hot and cold dishes are allowed

No ready-made food is accepted. Hot and cold food are permitted. This means Faila can decide to make hot foods such as boiled rice, tubani, tuo zaafi and banku among others. Cold food items can also be prepared. All must follow the required standards.


These are some rules that Chef Faila must fulfil to qualify to break the record. However, these are not the only rules applicable as Guinness World Records has several other standards that must be followed. The evidence submission must also follow a strict guideline as contained in the Guide to Your Evidence by GWR. Each contest has its unique guides and applicants are given the guidelines after their applications have been successfully approved.

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